Along with expanding my creativity lately has come with it some experimenting in the kitchen. Amazingly this has come about without any major mishaps. Those of the past have included the times I have scorched Rice-a-Roni and also finding out that it IS actually possible to burn water (or at least burning the pan your water USED to be in).
This baking/cooking stuff has been tricky in other ways now. Having a baby around who doesn't quite understand that you are right in the middle of whisking and needs something RIGHT NOW, can make for some road bumps. Alas, the Mr. in my life gave me the great idea of buckling her in her bouncy chair and planting her up on the island of our kitchen. She is up where she can take part and she seems to be quite happy being included.

Even though I've tried a few different recipes, I will limit this post to just the Banana Oatmeal Bread recipe I tried. The recipe credits for this delicious item go to http://chezbeeperbebe.blogspot.com/2009/12/reduce-waste-use-what-you-have-over.html
This is a great option when you inevitably have overly ripe bananas lying around, as I usually do. No matter how well I plan, this always happens. Now I don't have to feel so wasteful!
I taste-tested this on the Mr. and on some fellow co-workers and they all gave it a thumbs up! Now, go, get to using those ugly bananas.